Welcome to Community Bible Fellowship
  1. CBF is a denominationally unaffiliated church.  Itis our purpose to be unhampered by the restrictions and decisions of other churches or denominations that would determine the ministry message of our church.
  2. Since we believe that the Bible is God's holy and inspired word, it is our purpose to draw from the Scriptures the principles that determine our beliefs and practices.  As the name implies, it is the Word of God rather than the word of men that ultimately directs our church.
  3. It is our purpose to meet frequently for worship, instruction, fellowship, and outreach in accordance with Acts 2:42.  the message we declare to young and old alike is based upon a literal, grammatical, and historical interpretation of the entire Bible.  We proclaim the truths of the Bible, being confident that God is glorified and man's needs are met when His truths are presented and obeyed.
  4. Since CBF believes that each member of the body has received from the Holy Spirit a spiritual gift, which he/she is to discover and devolop, it is our goal to see that these spiritual gifts are exercised, contributing to the life of the body.
  5. We further believe that because CBF is a body of believers, it is the mission of this church to make disciples.  This church has five (5) major areas through which it fulfills its mission in the world.
A.  Evangelism - Taking the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world with the specific intent of getting persons to accept Him as personal Lord and Savior.  Focus will be on those who do not attend church.
B.  Edification - The building up of individuals through meets their needs.
C.  Education - Relevant instruction from a biblical.
D.  Economic Empowerment - A focus on generous giving to the church, entrepreneurship, job skills training, etc.
E.  Example - The living of a biblical life style and providing a church model that world's approach to other locations.
Each of these five ministry areas is designed to provide a distinct, divine option to the world's approach to living, starting within the church and extending to society at large.


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